However, if there are too many cross-references, I don't bother adding breakpoints manually. Instead, I add a button to xRefReferencesUsedByTypedTree form, set its Label property to "Add breakpoint" and MultiSelect to "Yes", and then override its clicked method like this:
void clicked()
container breakpoints;
boolean enable = true;
xRefReferences xRefReferencesLocal;
breakpoints = infolog.breakpoint();
for (xRefReferencesLocal = XRefReferences_ds.getFirst(true) ?
XRefReferences_ds.getFirst(true) : XRefReferences_ds.cursor();
xRefReferencesLocal = XRefReferences_ds.getNext())
if (xRefReferencesLocal.line > 0)
breakpoints += [xRefReferencesLocal.path()];
breakpoints += [xRefReferencesLocal.line];
breakpoints += [enable];
Now, after opening "Used by" form, I simply click "Ctrl+A" and then the new "Add breakpoint" button, so all required breakpoints are in place.
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Ага :). Спасибо!