Monday, April 4, 2016

Error executing code: The field with ID '0' does not exist in table 'SysExtensionSerializerExtensionMap'.

If you ever get "Error executing code: The field with ID '0' does not exist in table 'SysExtensionSerializerExtensionMap'." error in CIL, it may happen it is the table extension framework + the standard buf2buf function to blame.

Somehow, if you pass a Map instead of a table to buf2buf function, the following line fails:

_to.(fieldId) = _from.(fieldId);

However, if you replace this line with:

fieldName = fieldId2name(_from.TableId, fieldId);
 _to.setFieldValue(fieldName, _from.getFieldValue(fieldName));

everything is fine both in X++ and in CIL.

P.S. I didn't dare to change the standard buf2buf method. Istead, I created another method and used it in the table extension framework logic, which failed because of the issue (\Data Dictionary\Maps\SysExtensionSerializerMap\Methods\copyExtensionTableData)

P.P.S. There are a couple of other SysExtensionSerializerMap methods that should be fixed, as they call buf2buf too.


  1. hi
    i have this error and i don't know how to solve it any help

  2. Hi Atef
    Could you tell me the method name and line number, where the exception is thrown. Also, which AX version do you use?
